We decided to create a network of professionals because we are first and foremost a community. People who believe in a common goal and share the dream of making a passion a profession. For this reason we are committed to always guarantee the best and we are promoters of aggregation activities and moments of confrontation that guarantee that we are always a strong team!

You’ll never be alone with us!

A map for the neighborhood

Our neighborhood, with its cosmopolitan and a bit bohemian flavor, offers unique attractions and often our guests discover an unimagined reality of Rome that will remain in their hearts for a long time. The typicality of some of the views, the peculiarity of some of the activities present but also the history and the geographical position make our quadrant a coveted destination, destined to grow.

However, there is a lack of active coordination and often the hosts find it difficult to present the many attractions of the surroundings and even to know all the activities present.

pHostit, in collaboration with Charta Roma, has created a tourist map with points of interest and listed some of the active conventions, also complete with the map of the historic center and the possibility to use the advanced 3D technology of the App Charta Roma.

With the map of the neighbourhood, communicating with your guest has never been so easy!

√ map of the centre + map of the district
√ conventions and discounts at partner companies
√ 3D app with all the information about the most important points of interest in the historic centre

100 mapS €19.90


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