Our Accomodations

Between the metro stops Pigneto and Malatesta, halfway between Termini Station and Tiburtina station, in the triangle of narrow streets with retro charm that characterize the Pigneto district, our facilities stand out for comfort and cleanliness.

Between the metro stops Pigneto and Malatesta, halfway between Termini Station and Tiburtina station, in the triangle of narrow streets with retro charm that characterize the Pigneto district, our facilities are distinguished by comfort and cleanliness.

Whatever type of stay you dream of for your trip to Rome


Today famous for Roman and international Street Art, fashionable clubs and meeting places for young people of culture, the Pigneto is definitely the right place to live fully and really know the secrets of true Rome.Sincere expression of the characteristic Romanesque soul, but also sought after reality of the nightlife, the neighborhood surprises for its heterogeneity and its multiculturality and responds perfectly to all the needs of even the most pretentious traveler, given the wide choice of restaurants, services and shops 24h.

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